Tutor Wanted!

We are looking for tutors and supporters for our introductory programs every semester, as we cannot handle the volume of tasks alone. We particularly need a lot of helpers for the Ophase, our introductory week before the lecture period. You can help organize behind the scenes as well as supervise small groups. For our programming pre-course, we are also always looking for tutors to help with questions. To participate as a tutor, you will need a tutor training course, which we offer and for which you will receive information as soon as you have registered.

Programming pre-course

In the pre-course, we always need students who can teach beginners the basics and answer their questions. Help is also needed with setup problems. To be able to do this as a tutor, you should fulfill the following requirements: Most basic Python knowledge such as loops and arrays (in short: you should have seen the language at least once before). You should also be interested in explaining the concepts to other students with little or no knowledge. If this appeals to you, just get in touch with vorkurs@d120.de.


To be able to provide the entire Ophase, we usually need a three-digit number of people. The majority of these are the tutors for the small groups. But of course we also need a lot of people to take on organizational tasks (e.g. info magazine, games evening or workshops). If any of this appeals to you, you can sign up below as a tutor or register as an organizer via mail. As a tutor or organizer, you will receive a hoodie or T-shirt so that you are easily recognizable to the newcomers on campus.

Register as tutor