
The Inforz is the computer science magazine of the students of the TU Darmstadt and exists with long tradition since 1976. It contains current contents from the department, the university and general topics. Since the creation of the magazine requires a lot of work and many students already have enough to do with their studies, we unfortunately do not always manage to publish new issues.


If you want to participate, you can contact us via You can participate in many ways, even without being a member of the student council. One-time participation is also welcome. Tasks include:

  • Writing articles
  • Reading correction
  • Creating graphics, photos or illustrations
  • Conducting interviews
  • and much more

Old editions

Since the Inforz exists since 1976, many editions have accumulated which could not be digitized yet. You can view them in analog form in the student council room, in digital form in our Moodle.