Information for companies, etc.

On this page, you can find all the information on how to get in touch with the active student council or student body. So if you want to offer jobs, internships, surveys, seminars or theses, this page is the right place for you. If possible, the specialized addresses should be used first in order to address the interested parties directly.

The job portal

A good way to advertise possible jobs is the official job portal of the TU Darmstadt, stellenwerk. There you can simply post an offer centrally, which is then clearly visible for all interested students.

Mailing lists

The student council offers mailing lists where students can sign up and through which you can reach interested students. Please make sure not to send too large attachments with your e-mails!

The mailing lists used for external offers can be found here or also on our contact page in the subitem "Directly addressed at students".

Postings in the department

In addition, it is possible to distribute the information through a bulletin board in the form of notices. There are several of them in the Piloty building of the department (S2|02). The respective places in the building are:

  • A0 wing, (basement) in the Learning Center for Computer Science (LZI).
  • C2 wing, opposite the elevator, in front of the bistro
  • E0 wing, (basement) in front of the E-pool