Evaluation of lectures

Every semester, an evaluation of the courses is carried out so that they can be improved and criticism can be recorded. The survey of the students is done in the form of digital surveys. The results can be viewed here. Any questions related to the evaluation can be asked to our team per email.


The completed surveys are evaluated by the Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle (HDA). The results are available to both faculty and students. You can find more information about the process on the HDA page. We will publish the results in our Moodle as soon as we have them.


To recognize particularly good teaching, the "Best Teaching" and "Best Supervision" awards are presented at the colloqium at the department.


If an event ranks first in both categories, only one award will be given and the other will go to the corresponding second place winner.

Past winners

The evaluation has not just been around since this year, but for much longer. Therefore, we have listed the previous winners of the awards here for all those who are interested in a look into the past.

  • SS 2024

    Best teaching: "Protection in Networked Systems Trust, Resilience, and Privacy" von Dr. habil. Andrea Tundis Best supervision: "Netzsicherheit" von Lucas Becker
  • WS 2023/2024

    Best teaching: "Verteilte Geometrieverarbeitung" von Michel Krämer Best supervision: "Public Key Infrastrukturen" von Jacqueline Brendel
  • SS 2023

    Best teaching: "Ethics in Natural Language Processing" von Prof. Dr. Thomas Arnold Best supervision: "Cryptographic Protocols" von Andreas Brüggemann
  • WS 2022/2023

    Best teaching: "Informationssicherheitsmanagement" von Maximilian Müller Best supervision: "Verifikation paralleler Programme" von Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Jakobs
  • SS 2022

    Best teaching: "Kontinuierliches Maschinelles Lernen" von Dr. Martin Mundt Best supervision: "Informationsmanagement" von Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Arnold
  • WS 2016/2017

    Best teaching: "Einführung in den Compilerbau" von Prof. Dr. Andreas Koch Best supervision: "Foundations of Language Technology" von Daniil Sorokin
  • SS 2016

    Best teaching: "Informationsmanagement" von Dr. Christian Meyer Best supervision: "Cryptoplexity" von Jaqueline Brendel
  • WS 2015/2016

    Best teaching: "Seitenkanalanalyse der Software" von Dr. Artem Starostin Best supervision: "Digitaltechnik" von David de la Chevallerie
  • SS 2015

    Best teaching: "Privacy Enhancing Technologies" von Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser Best supervision: "Algorithms of Language Technology" von Steffen Remus und Eugen Ruppert
  • WS 2014/2015

    Best teaching: "Lernende Roboter" von Prof. Dr. techn. Gerhard Neumann Best supervision: "Grundlagen der Informatik III" von Prof. Dr. Christian Bischof, Michael Burger, Armin Jäger und Alexander Hück
  • SS 2014

    Best teaching: "Sichere Mobile Systeme" von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hollick Best supervision: "Grundlagen der Informatik I" von Dr.-Ing. Guido Rößling
  • WS 2013/2014

    Best teaching: "Compiler I: Grundlagen" von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Koch Best supervision: "Software Engineering - Projektmanagement" von Malte Foegen
  • SS 2013

    Best teaching: "Mobile Sensing" von Prof. Dr. Silvia Santini Best supervision: "Mathematik II für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik" von Dr. rer. nat. Robert Haller-Dintelmann, Benjamin Assarf und Shaul Zemel
  • WS 2012/2013

    Best teaching: "Semantic Web" von Dr.rer.nat. Heiko Paulheim Best supervision: "Einführung in die Kryptographie" von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Buchmann und Fatemeh Shirazi
  • SS 2012

    Best teaching: "Netzsicherheit" von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hollick Best supervision: "Mobile Sensing" von Prof. Dr. Silvia Santini und Paul Baumann
  • WS 2011/2012

    Best teaching: "Compiler 1: Grundlagen" von Prof. Dr. Andreas Koch Best supervision: "Formale Grundlagen der Informatik 3" von Nathan Wasser und Visar Januzaj
  • SS 2011

    Best teaching: "Komponententechnologie für verteilte Anwendungen" von Dr. Michael Eichberg Best supervision: "Software Engineering - Design and Construction" von Marcel Bruch
  • WS 2010/2011

    Best teaching: "Kommunikationsnetze 3: Mobilität in Netzen" von Prof. Matthias Hollick Best supervision: "Formale Grundlagen der Informatik 3" von Nathan Wasser
  • SS 2010

    Best teaching: "Komponententechnologie für verteilte Anwendungen" von Dr. Michael Eichberg Best supervision: "Software Engineering - Wartung und Qualitätssicherung" von Sebastian Oster und Karsten Saller
  • WS 2009/2010

    Best teaching: "SE-Projektmanagement" von Malte Foegen Best supervision: "SE - Design and Construction" von Marcel Bruch
  • SS 2009

    Best teaching: "Grundlagen der Informatik 1" von Dr. Guido Rößling Best supervision: "Mathematik II für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik" von Stefan Bundfuss und Andrea Peter
  • WS 2008/2009

    Best teaching: "SE-Projektmanagement" von Malte Foegen Best supervision: "Technische Grundlagen der Informatik 1" von Gregor Molter und Alexander Biedermann
  • SS 2008

    Best teaching: "Einführung in Computer Microsystems" von Dr. Wolfgang Heenes Best supervision: "Public Key Infrastrukturen" von Dr. Evangelos Karatsiolis
  • WS 2007/2008

    Best teaching: "SE-Projektmanagement" von Malte Foegen Best supervision: "Einführung in die Kryptographie" von Erik Tews
  • SS 2007

    Best teaching: "Public Key Kryptanalyse" von Prof. Alexander May Best supervision: Sonderpreis für besondere Verdienste um die Lehre: Dr. Abdoul Shoufan
  • WS 2006/2007

    Best teaching: "Graphische Datenverarbeitung 1" von Dr. Frank Zeilfelder Best supervision: "Technische Grundlagen der Informatik 1" von Dr. Wolfgang Heenes
  • SS 2006

    Best teaching: "Digitale Spiele" von Prof. Jantke Best supervision: "Public Key Infrastrukturen" von Vangelis Karatsiolis
  • WS 2005/2006

    Best teaching: "Public Key Kryptanalyse" von Prof. May Best supervision: "Rekonfigurierbare Prozessoren" von Abdul Shoufan
  • SS 2005

    Best teaching: "Mobile Sichere Systeme" von Prof. Eckert Best supervision: "Modellierung heterogener Systeme" von Abdul Shoufan
  • WS 2004/2005

    Best teaching: "Software Engineering - Qualitätssicherung" von Dr. Fraikin Best supervision: "Technische Grundlagen der Informatik 1" von Andreas Kühn und Tim Sander
  • WS 2002/2003

    Best teaching: "Computer Supported Cooperative Work" von Prof. Neuhold, Rubart und Wessner Best supervision: "Rechnertechnologiepraktikum" von Wolfgang Heenes