
If you don't like to study at home or simply need a place to work between lectures, there are several places at TU where this is possible. For this purpose, we have compiled an overview of all possibilities here.

In the Piloty

Like other departments, FB20 also has a learning center, the LZI. It is located in the Robert Piloty building (S2|02) on the lowest floor of the A wing, room A020. There is plenty of seating and power outlets, so you can study alone or with fellow students. It can be entered from the inside as well as from the courtyard. In addition to the LZI, there is also the somewhat smaller room C301 above Bistro Athene. The current opening hours can be found on the department's page (in German). You can see how to get there on our site map. There are also two pool rooms: the C-Pool and the E-Pool, both located in the basement like the LZI. The C-Pool is equipped with computers and printers, while the E-Pool consists of group tables similar to the LZI or C301.

You may also be interested in the Learning Center for Mathematics (LZM). There is more information about this on the website of the Department of Mathematics (in German).


Another popular place to learn is the University and State Library (ULB). There you can study in peace and quiet, as there is a duty of confidentiality. You also have good access to textbooks of all kinds and a short walk to the respective refectory or to the LesBAR in the city center. During the exam period, you usually have to hurry to get a place, because they are in great demand and are occupied very early. There are also individual and group workrooms that can be booked here.


In addition to the ULB and the learning centers, there are also the cafeterias as a place of learning. They are a slightly different place to work and can be used for learning if they are not crowded because of the food service. They are also often crowded and noisy outside of lunchtime and are therefore not the right place for everyone to learn.

Another possibility are the normal rooms of the TU. If these are not booked for events, it is possible to sit there alone or with other fellow students. Depending on how you want to work or talk to others, it can be quieter or louder there. Free rooms can be viewed via the room booking system or you can search for them directly in the university.

Site map

Location of the Piloty (S2|02) and our room in it. Click to enlarge pictures.