
For some they are a horror, for others just another part of studying: exams. We have linked some tips here as well as our Moodle, where you can find old exams, if the respective organizer has allowed this. Of course, the old exams or their protocols do not replace a comprehensive learning of the contents of the current course.

Useful information about the exams


There are two types of examinations in Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt: "Fachprüfungen" (written exams) and "Studienleistungen" (pratical or oral exams). Fachprüfungen can only be attempted three times before they are considered to have been definitively failed. You should generally avoid third attempts. "Studienleistungen" can be taken as often as desired and often do not take the form of a written examination. The official information as well as the General Examination Regulations (APB) of the TU Darmstadt can be found on the website of the Department II (in German).

Study tips

First of all, it is important to go to lectures and exercises. Even if they seem pointless, they are often useful and force you to engage with the content at least a little. It is also very useful to sit down with fellow students at the university and work on assignments or study there. This gives you a better exchange of ideas and you may get to know older students who can help you or recommend additional sources of knowledge.

About the exam phase itself: It is important to start studying early and not just repeat the content in the week before the exam. You also have to bear in mind that several exams in close succession mean that you sometimes have to start several weeks before the actual dates in order to allocate the time correctly to the individual exams. It is also very helpful when studying if you seek the exchange with other students and can thus find gaps in your own approach.


Many students make summaries to keep the material clearer in front of them. Depending on the type of learner, the summaries of other fellow students can also be useful. A good place to start is Fabian Damken's summaries, which are publicly downloadable on his site for many modules in the mandatory and elective areas.


The registration of the exams is done via TUCaN and is activated within the semester. Usually this is available from November to December in the winter semester and from May to June in the summer semester. Outside of this time, no exam registration will be possible! Sometimes the study office will make an exception if you are early and ask nicely, but this is not appreciated. Often, the dates can be viewed earlier on the page of the Dezernat II (in German). Although changes are possible here as well as on TUCaN during the semester.

Exam reviews

After the publication of the grades of an exam, there is the possibility of inspection. Here, the grading can be viewed and solutions or experts are provided so that one can object to individual grades. It should be noted that a subsequent correction may not only result in positive changes but may also lead to a lower grade if errors were overlooked during the initial correction.

Old exams

In cooperation with the module organizers, we offer old exams on our Moodle. Not every lecturer wants to publish them, which we respect. There may be various good reasons for this, e.g. because it makes it easier for lecturers not to have to redesign the exams every year, but to design them in a similar way.
