Accounts & IT infrastructure

At the university and especially at the department there are different technical systems and accounts. They are not redundant and allow you to use different services and hardware. On this page we will explain how you can access them, what you need and what you can do with them.

TU-ID (HRZ-Account)

The TU-ID is the most important account at TU Darmstadt. It is required to be able to use TUCaN, the Athena Card, WLAN and VPN. In that sense, nothing works without it. It is also the prerequisite for the RBG account. Additional information and instructions can be found on the page of the HRZ.

  • Prerequisites

    To activate your TU-ID, you will need your activation code. It is on the same letter that your student ID card is on (example picture).

  • Account creation

    To activate the account, visit the activation page (part of the IDM portal). There you should also be able to set a password and get the TU-ID (scheme "xy42juhu"). You will need these throughout your studies, so you should write it down. You can change your password in the IDM portal.

    In addition to the account you will receive a mail address in the form "firstname.lastname{nr}". In addition to your name, this address also contains numbers if there are several students with this name. You can also change the settings for the address in the IDM portal. It is important to confirm the address in this portal. For more information please visit the page of the HRZ. The mails can be accessed manually via the web interface (Roundcube). Alternatively, you can use a mail client like Thunderbird. If you search for the setup instructions, ensure that you follow the instructions for Linux Mail and not the instructions for Groupware Mail, otherwise it will not work without any further information.

    Messages on TUCaN can be forwarded to the stud address. To do this, a mark must be set on "Forward messages to uni-mail-account?" at "Service -> Personal Data -> Change" and saved.

  • Features


    For registration for events and examinations as well as downloading documents, TUCaN is required. With the credentials of the HRZ account you can easily use this portal (regarding the login, TUCaN itself is unfortunately sometimes rather complicated to use).


    With the HRZ account you get a student mail address after confirmation, which can be used normally during the duration of your studies. Furthermore, in some cases it can be used as a proof of being a student for companies, etc.. You can find out how to set it up and which functions are available here.


    The campus WLAN (eduroam) is available to all members of the TU. Since eduroam is not only offered at the TU Darmstadt, you often have the possibility to use WLAN in other cities as well. To use it, you need your own credentials, which can be set up via the IDM portal. Instructions can be found on the page of the HRZ.


    In order to be able to use services remotely, which otherwise only work on campus, the HRZ offers VPN access. Here, too, the HRZ has instructions.


    For your studies you sometimes need special software (e.g. Matlab), which usually require smaller or larger sums. For students there are often own versions, which are free with proof of university affiliation. An overview can be found here.

    Semester ticket

    To access the Semester Ticket online, you also need the HRZ account. More Information on the Semester Ticket can be found on the page of the AStA.

  • Troubleshooting

    I do not have a letter with activation code

    If this is the case, please check if the application has been sent and the semester fee has been transferred correctly. Should everything be correctly specified, but you still have not received a letter, please contact the responsible entity.

    I forgot my password

    If you forget your password, you can reset it using the emergency contact provided during activation.

    There are errors when logging into Roundcube

    This is sometimes unfortunately the case and should be resolved after a while. Email clients like Thunderbird are not affected by login problems in the web interface.

    Other problems

    In case of unforeseen problems you can contact the HRZ-Service.


In addition to the HRZ account, the ISP or RBG account is used at the Department of Computer Science. It is necessary for the pool computers, the use of the printers in the C-Pool and the ClientSSH servers. A full documentation can be found in the ISP-Wiki.

  • Prerequisites

    To create an ISP/RBG account, it is necessary to set up the HRZ account beforehand.

  • Account creation

    You can create the account via the support page. You have to log in with your HRZ account. Regarding the new account, the username is again the TU-ID, but the password is independent of the HRZ account. Once a semester the account has to be renewed, this can also be done via the support page. The password can also be changed on the pool computers by entering "passwd" in a console after logging in, as is usual under Linux.

    In the past, you automatically received an e-mail address for this account in a similar way as for the HRZ account. This is no longer the case, but only happens on request. Applying for an address is not recommended, as it has no extra value for most students. The address follows the scheme "". Here, too, you can choose between forwarding (instructions) or using e-mail clients or the web interface.

  • Features

    Pool computers

    With the ISP account you can use the computers in the pool rooms of the Piloty. On these computers Linux and common software for studying is installed. You can find out which pool rooms are currently available and their opening hours on the ISP wiki page.


    In addition to the computers in the pool rooms, there are also servers that can be accessed via SSH. These also run Linux and software that is useful for studying. These can also be used to access TU-internal services. The login is done with an SSH key, which has to be registered in the RBG account management.

    Pool printers

    In the C-Pool (S2|02 C005) there are printers which can be operated via PaperCut or with the Athena Card on site. The Athena Card number must be entered in the RBG account management.

    Static websites

    With the account you can easily and quickly set up your own static website. It is then available under "<TU-ID>/". How to do this exactly, you can find out in the wiki of the ISP. Alternatively, you can ask fellow students who know how to use it.

  • Troubleshooting

    The account creation fails

    Ensure that the HRZ email address has been confirmed. If not, wait for a while and try again. If this does not solve the problem, contact ISP User Services.

    My account has expired

    If your account has expired, you can easily renew it in the RBG account management. This is necessary once a semester, after two semesters without renewal existing data will be deleted.

Athena Card

The Athena Card is relevant in various areas: Essentially as the main payment option in the Mensa and access to ULB offers. That's why you should apply for it as soon as possible.

  • Prerequisites

    To apply for an Athens card, you must have an HRZ account. You also need a valid photo.

  • Application

    For the Athena Card you upload a photo of yourself in the IDM portal under "Contact data -> Athena-Card". You can find detailed instructions and guidelines for the photo on the HRZ page. After that, the Athena Card should be sent to you, as long as the photo is valid and your address is correct.

  • Features


    You can pay with the Athene card at all Student Union outlets. This includes the bistros and bars. In some cases, the card can also be used at other universities.


    The card is also used to borrow books from the ULB. It is also often required for downloading e-books and PDFs via the ULB site. This also requires the activation of the card and setting up a password (information).


    In combination with the ISP account, you can print 50 pages per month free of charge in the C-Pool. Up to 100 pages can be accumulated as credit. Printers can also be used in other learning centers, but these often have a small fee per page.


    Otherwise, the Athena Card can be used to pay at the University Cinema or in dormitory laundry rooms or be useful for entering some learning centers and the "Hochschulstadion".