
Info event on new POs of the FB 20

On 04/03/2023 there will be an information event about the new and changed courses of studies at the FB 20 starting with WiSe 2023/24

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Dear students of the Department of Computer Science!

We have worked intensively over the past two years to revise and improve our degree programs. For the upcoming winter semester 2023/24, the time has finally come and the changes will come into effect.

Therefore, we offer an information event on 03.04.2023 - this will take place in the context of a student plenary meeting according to § 37 (3) statutes of the student body. Not all aspects will be interesting for everyone, so we have planned the following schedule:

  • 11:00 to around 12:30: Changes in the Bachelor (B.Sc. Computer Science)
  • 13:30 to ca. 14:30: Changes in the Master (M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Computer Science (engl., new!), M.Sc. Autonomous Systems and Robotics (renamed; previously: M.Sc. Autonomous Systems), M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (engl., new!))
  • 2:45 p.m. to approx. 3:15 p.m. Program closures (M.Sc. Autonomous Systems, M.Sc. Visual Computing, M.Sc. Distributed Software Systems, M.Sc. Internet and Web-based Systems)

The M.Sc. IT Security is currently still under revision. It will probably not start until the winter semester 2024/25 and will therefore not be covered at the info session.

The plenary session will take place hybrid; in presence in the Audimax (S1|01 A1) and streamed here*. It will be possible to ask questions both online and on site. Afterwards, the answers to the most important questions will be published online.

Fabian Damken in the name of the student council
and Jasmin Boghrat (study coordinator) in the name of the department of computer science.

* The stream will be available shortly before the event and will be made available as a recording afterwards.