
Summer party on 6/22/2023

There will be hot dogs, cocktails and music again. More helping hands are needed

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It's that time again, the summer party of the computer science department will finally take place. The party starts at 2 pm. At the beginning there will be the colloquium of the department from 15:15 to 16:15, where a few new profs will present their fields and the feedback team of the student council will award prizes for the best teaching and support in the last two semesters.

Afterwards there will be hot dogs, cocktails and drinks in the courtyard. A rich evening program is also provided! We are planning a karaoke evening followed by a big party! Good music is provided: both sound system and DJ are available. Look out for our posters appearing in and around Piloty. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Helpers wanted! The summer festival on 22.06 is particularly ambitious this year. Therefore, we are still looking for helpers who, for example, take over a shift at the hot dog stand, help with the construction or supervise a game. If you are interested just contact We can use every helping hand.

You still have wishes or ideas for the summer party, or for the next one? Feel free to send an email to, we are looking forward to your ideas!

Your Summer Party Orga